Please, apply only for open positions!
How to Apply?
We seek highly motivated doctoral candidates with a proven record of excellence in their previous academic pursuits. Applicants should possess an exceptional degree in a field closely aligned with our research activities. It is important to note that completion of your degree is necessary before commencing the doctoral programme, although not necessarily at the time of application.
We expect excellent academic scores but most importantly commitment and enthusiasm to face the many challenges of a doctoral project. We value curiosity, independency, the ability to think out of the box and effective communication skills.
Academic Requirements
Provided that the formal requirements for admission to a doctoral programme are met, anyone with a suitable disciplinary background and interest on the topics of our research programme is eligible to apply. Admission to the graduate programme, if all requirements are fulfilled, is based only on scientific qualification and performance in the interview.
Language Skills
The language of the IMPRS-GM doctoral programme is English. Hence, a very good command of spoken and written English is mandatory. Knowledge of German is not required, but foreign researchers will be offered the opportunity to attend German language classes if desired.
What Are the Benefits?
- A cutting-edge, structured doctoral programme.
- Academic and social collaboration with a large cohort of doctoral researchers.
- Networking and exchange with prominent local and international scholars.
- Access to IMPRS facilities, including the MPI library.
Do You Have Any Questions?
Please direct any questions to the IMPRS Scientific Coordinator, Patrick Desplat (desplat@...).